Saturday 3 December 2011

Fancy Glittery Festive-style nails ^.^

Okay so i realise that it has been an AGE since i posted however i have been a very busy lass, getting a new job and generally being foolish outwith the internet. I have now amended my ways and i am back on track ladies and gents! Yessir!

So today im going to do a step my step guide on how to do these awesome nails. I reckon they look awesome and are a great alternative to a french manicure and even if you have a shaky hand, they still look decent and sorta professional (well i think so anyway). Please excuse the shoddy looking hands, my old book shop job done that to me. Sadface.

RIGHT!! okay! So you can use any colour you want for the top part of the nails (i suppose you could any two colours anyway!) however i have opted to go for a nude base (Bourjois So Laque in #28 "Rose Lounge"), a red base (Nails Inc in "Victoria and Albert") and a red glitter varnish (Barry M in #150) just to add a bit extra to it. I also finished it off with a clear top coat (Bourjois Fixant Brilliant).

I started off using the nude colour first all over my nails. I used two coats as to give a lovely salon-style healthy look to my nails. Make sure to let each coat dry before applying the next as you dont want horrible bumpy nails! If you're in a rush, a good tip is to dip nails in a sink of cold water as this helps the varnish set quicker.

I then went on to use the plain red varnish. I always start on my left hand as its easier to do (im right handed). So start at the left hand side of your nail (or right, whatever you fancy!) and paint outwards along the length. Dragging the brush down diagonally won't work properly and will only make it a bit messier looking. With each stroke as you work across the nail, do the strokes a bit longer so you achieve a diagonal look on the nail. You will probably need two to three coats for this, depending on the quality of nail varnish and colour. Make sure this dries properly. (Make sure that all the diagonals go the same way on each hand!)

If you're using the glitter on top like i have, repeat the same process as you did for the coloured nail varnish. It's a bit easier as you have the block colour to use as a guide. Again i would use two to three coats for this just to build up the glitter effect and make it more noticeable.

Now if you're using the Barry M Glitter nail varnish like i did, you'll find that once dries it looks a bit duller than what it does when wet. This does not make a good look! So the best way to solve this problem (and also make sure the fab work you done doesn't chip as much) is apply a top coat. I used two coats of this and noticed it really brought out the glitter. It also blends the different varnishes together and creates a salon-style look.

To prevent your nail varnish from chipping as much and to keep it a bit longer, i would apply a coat of the clear top coat each day for a few days just to keep the professional look of it.

So there you go, jobs a good 'un! I hope this had made sense and it works as successfully for everyone :) Also upload photos or tweet them to me @julietronica


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