Wednesday 23 January 2013

Garlic, Sea Salt and Herb Focaccia

Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of posting recently! Things have been manic busy the past few months :) The only good thing to come of it is that i'm planning to up roots and move 140 miles north to the Highlands to be with the love of my life :) very excited about that!

Anyway! We're not here to drink tea and gab (although that does sound tremendous, no?) we're here to BAKE!

I've seen ALOT of baking programmes recently where they've been making focaccia bread. I must admit after watching the Great British Bake off where there was THAT episode with the focaccia, it kind of made me a bit scared. However I do not get scared of baking or cooking. No, I go in gung-ho and give it a bash - after all whats the worst that could happen?

I must admit, the initial dough formation made me panicky. I did actually wonder if I had put in too much water (which I hadn't) and the fact that it didn't act like normal white bread made me a bit out of sorts. however I am more than pleased with the final outcome and I am pleased to say that this lovely tasty bread will be taking pride of place next to my Flammkuchen tonight at dinner (recipe for that alternative German pizza to follow!)

So give it a bash and let me know how you get on :)

So, you will need:

500g/1lb 2oz white flour (you can also use bread flour)
2 tsp sea salt
3 tsp dried easy blend yeast (or buy 2 sachets)
2 tbsp olive oil
400ml/14 fl oz cold water
olive oil (for drizzling)
sea salt
1 large garlic clove, crushed
selection of herbs chopped finely

Place Flour, yeast, oil, salt and 300ml/10fl oz water into a bowl and mix together until a dough is formed (this is messy!), knead the dough for about five minutes while gradually adding the remainder of the water.

Stretching the dough by hand, fold the edges of the dough into the centre for another five minutes, turn the bowl 180 degrees and repeat the process.

Tip the dough onto a well oiled surface and continue kneading for five minutes until it looks a bit more smoother and manageable. Place the dough in the bowl, cover with cling film and place in a warm place until it's almost doubled in size (I put mine under the radiator!)

Line two baking sheets or dishes with spray oil (this makes the bread easier to remove!) and set aside. Tip the dough out and half. Using your fingers, flatten the dough onto the baking sheets until all the area has been covered. Cover in cling film and place in a warm place to prove for about an hour.

Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas Mark 7. Drizzle each loaf with olive oil, sea salt, garlic and the herbs (or whatever you fancy!) and place in the oven for 20 minutes.

Once cooked, drizzle more oil over the bread.

If you are reheating it, just drizzle more oil over the top afterwards :)

Good luck!

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